Should You Ride a GolfBoard or Finn Scooter?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges for large swaths of America but as is always the case, opportunity also arises in difficult times.

Golf, a game that social distancing comes naturally too, has enjoyed a surge and along with it created an opportunity for a couple recent entries into the game. GolfBoards, which allow players to traverse the course on an electric-powered device that more resembles a skateboard than a golf cart, debuted in 2014 to much fanfare, though widespread adoption has been slow to follow.

(For the record, I’d absolutely recommend the GolfBoard experience. I’ve always enjoyed it and find it easy to navigate the course.)

Finn Scooters, not surprisingly based on the name, are two-wheeled vehicles that can go anywhere on the course. The scooters are a newer entry into the individual rider market, and the coronavirus might’ve opened the company’s window of opportunity a little wider.

While most people are comfortable riding with someone in a cart, GolfBoards, available at World Tour, TPC Myrtle Beach, True Blue and Sea Trail Resort, and Finn Scooters, offered at Caledonia and True Blue, make riding alone fun, maybe even more so than being in a cart.

Using a GolfBoard or Finn Scooter cost an additional $25-$30, but it’s absolutely worth trying. The Myrtle Beach area courses that have GolfBoards and Finn Scooters have limited inventory, so if you are interested in using either on your next golf trip, it’s advisable to inquire about renting one in advance.

You are on vacation, why not give something new a try?

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